Posidonia banquettes on the Mediterranean beaches: to what extent do local administrators’ and users’ perceptions correspond?
Mossone, P., Guala, I. & Simeone, S.
In the Mediterranean Sea, the removal of P. oceanica leaf litter (banquettes) from beaches is often required by the stakeholders for
mainly aesthetic reasons, despite the key role that seagrasses play in the coastal environment and the ecosystem services they
provide. Since removal operations can have a sedimentological, geomorphological and ecological impact, the POSBEMED project
(Interreg Med Programme) analyzed the possible strategies for the management of banquettes and beach systems.
The present study aims to analyze perception and expectations of beachgoers and public and private stakeholders in relation to the
presence and removal of banquettes from the beaches. The opinions of those who use the beach for recreational purposes, those who
exploit the beach economically and those responsible for managing it were all considered on the questionnaires. A cost-benefit appraisal
was carried out to assess the value attributed by beachgoers to banquettes as an integral part of a natural beach as well as the loss
of value that the community suffers following a decision to leave the beach in its natural state.
Results showed that the public strategies for beach management and banquette removal are mainly made in response to tourists'
requests, usually mediated by economic operators. However, differences in perception have been detected between stakeholders and
beachgoers, both in attitude towards the presence of banquettes on the beach and the evaluation of the impact generated by this
presence. The economic analysis, considering only the hedonic use of a natural beach, indicates that the cost resulting from the loss
of tourists (due to the decision to leave the beach in a state of naturalness) is higher than the benefit perceived by the tourist. For the
economists, this paradox raises the issue of the limits of using methods based on individual preferences for the evaluation of public
goods, such as environmental ones.